Saturday, June 03, 2006

My Little Girls Are Growing Up

June 1st was a big day at our house. My grandma would have been 88 years old but we celebrated with life! Wonderful things are happening in my girls' lives and I am so blessed to be a part of it, help them, guide them, and watch them grow.

Alyssa had her first big date. She went to the 8th grade prom with prince charming and she felt like Cinderella. She had a pretty white eyelet, strapless dress that came just above the knee and a pink ribbon tied at her waist. You know there has to be pink somewhere if it is Alyssa. I picked her up from school and McKenna and I took her to get her hair done. She had it washed and straightened. The hairdresser, Amy, pulled it back on the sides and then made some really soft long curls that flowed over the straight hair. It was very pretty. We then took her to have her make up done. Soft pinks and neutrals, it all made her eyes look really blue. She was beautiful. She dressed at home quickly because, in true Beth fashion, we were late. Her friends and date were meeting at Emily's house for pictures and then off to the dinner dance.

We arrived at Emily's. Grandma was there too, she wanted to see her but did not stay for the pictures, she just really wanted to see Alyssa. The girls came out to meet us and then walked inside. McKenna and I followed. I just could see Zac's face when she walked into the room. His eyes widened and he was a bit awe struck. Alyssa and Emily had gotten Meredith a corsage so they gave it to her and her mom pinned it on. Emily's date gave her a wrist corsage and Zac gave Alyssa a pretty wrist corsage with white daisies, h
er favorite, and a pink ribbon. Just perfect. Then he gave her a little box. He had gotten her a silver necklace with a little heart pendant. I took the necklace she had planned to wear to the dance tha matched her earrings off (Alyssa is very fashion conscience. She matches her jewelry, purses, shoes, outfits everything!) Zac then put the new necklace on her. It was like the papparatzi had arrived with all the camera flashes. They piled into Zac's mom's SUV with the girls all in the middle seat and Zac in the back like the "family dog" (little inside joke of our family's) and off they went to the dance.

McKenna and I went to Grandma's to eat dinner and then on the way home took a detour by the school to go peek in at the dance. A good time was being had by all!

So if you think that is big, it was even bigger! When I picked McKenna up from school to go get Sissy, she had been wearing big girl panties all day! Only had one little accident. She wore big girl panties while we were getting the hair and make up done and went to the potty several times - and actually went! That was her first time out in public with no diapers and she did really really well. She has been wearing big girl panties for the past few days and going potty like a big girl. She picked out some Tinkerbelle panties to wear. When she keeps her panties dry all day, she can wear the Tinkerbelle ones.

My little girls are growing up.


Lady Constance said...

What? No pictures?? Not of Alyssa, but of the Tinkerbelle panties, of course!! ;o)

How does the chest of each Mama hold the swelling of the heart?

Beth said...

I tried to put a picture of the tinkerbelle panties on there but when it said it uploaded, it didn't. I will try again!

Lady Constance said...

ah! you're having the same picture posting problems i was! i downloaded mozilla's firefox web browser and voila! pictures!

The Sewing Machine Doc said...

Erin went to her first dance last week (are they trying to get kids to grow up too quickly or what). It was sponsored by the middle school, a way to say welcome to the middle school (she starts 6th grade next fall). I tried to prepare her for the fact that boys her age think girls have the cooties, or at least I did at her age. Turns out three different boys asked to dance with her and she was happy as a clam when she got home. She gets braces this summer (the gap between her front teeth she inherited from me) and is reaching puberty early (as I did too). Aah, they grow up too quickly.