Thursday, June 15, 2006

From Feet to Fingers and in Between!

I am the middle generation. They call it the sandwich generation. Those people that are parents to their kids and also helping out and taking care of their parents. I really do not "take care" of my mom. Actually she still takes care of me sometimes and I am grateful. So when she needs something I am always more than willing to help. She had to go in for surgery on her feet today. First thing I said to her this morning when I went to pick her up and take her in was of course, "You ready?" and she answered that she really did not want to do this. So I had to ask if she HAD to and she said her doctor told her that it couldn't be any worse that what she was dealing with now. "Well does it hurt all the time?" "No, but I can not walk for more than 30 minutes without it hurting and I should walk 30 minutes everyday for my health." She we went, checked her in, took my information of how to get hold of me and when to be back etc. I took her purse and glasses and they asked her if she had any jewelry. She said no. There was a very well dressed, attractive, staunch looking, older woman standing at the counter by us as we were having this conversation so I just had to ask one last question, "Did you take you belly button ring out Mom?" My mom, the nurse and even the staunch attractive well dressed woman laughed. A little humor never hurt anyone. I am such a good daughter.

Alyssa came back from Ridgecrest yesterday. She not only seemed to have a good time but she was inspired! She called me Tuesday night and told me about a rind in their student store that she bought. It was a silver purity ring. It says True Love Waits and she asked me if it was ok that she got it and if she wore it on her left ring finger until she got and engagement ring. When she got home, she told me that she considered taking the ring back. She did not want people to see it and think it was a cute fad but that it had meaning. But she also did not want people to make it into weirdo thing. The next morning, their morning message was about Sex and how God felt about it. She said it was the best sex talk she had ever had. (that comment caught me off guard considering she started our conversations with that she "had had the best sex talk she had ever had at camp") Anyway, I asked her since she was questioning her purchase, did she get her answer? Yes, she is wearing the ring and it has even more meaning to her than when she bought it. God answered he question.

And as for little McKenna. We are doing great with the potty training. She wears a diaper at night but really does not need it. It has been dry every morning. She is taking the initiative to go by herself and wants to go on the big potty. This has been really pretty easy.

I am really proud of both my girls! Praise God for the gifts I have been given!

OK, what is going on with the pictures? I upload them and they are just not there? ARGH!

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