Friday, June 09, 2006

Life Goes On

And life goes on ... my girls continue to grow and pas miles stones in their lives. Alyssa graduated from the 8th grade today. Her grandmother and I were there. Afterwards I signed her out of school, it was chaos and I really did not think she needed to be in all that. She was crying when we left wanting to say good bye to her friends that she went to school with for the past three years some of them the past six years. They will all be going off to high school. Our neighborhood has been redistricted so she will be going to a different high school than all her friends and her boyfriend (Zac) and I umderstand that is hard. She know that my mom and I moved to this town andI started at the same high school she is going to. I was knew to the school, new to the town, new to the state. I was fortunate that they had not had cheerleading tryouts at the end of the previous year so I got to try out, made it and made new friends. Fortunately Alyssa made cheerleading, will get to know the other girls this summer at camps and practices and will have some friends but I know she will miss her two best friends and Zac. Life goes on.

McKenna is hitting that milestone of potty training. She is doing REALLY well with the potty and tinkling in it. Occasionally we have an accident, sometimes we just go in, sit on the potty and come out with a bare behind. I suppose it is easier that way. We have most of our "accidents" going poopy. She was watching a movie the othe day on the couch. Kicked back, relaxing, laying on her side watching "Aslan the good lion". I was in the kitchen when I hear a terribly needy and nervous, "Mommy" I answered and then came an even more nervous, "Mommy .... the poopy's coming" I ran to the couch and sure enough, it was. I scooped her up with her hiney up in the air and headed to the bathroom. It was like a human Play Doh machine! It kept on comimg. I got her to the potty, sat her down just in time for PLOP! We celebrated that McKenna poopied in the potty!!! Hey, gotta make things positive as we learn cause Life Goes On!

1 comment:

The Sewing Machine Doc said...

On her high school graduation day, my oldest reminded me she had attended 9 different school between kindergarden and graduation. As she put it "just FYI." We moved a lot when she was young. Not sure what kind of impact it may have made on her concept of stability.

We moved once when I was was growing up (in the fifth grade) and that was probably a good move as many of my friends from that neighborhood have ended up in jail at one time or another (poor working class neighborhood). My parents moved again when I was a senior but let me stay behind to finish my last year of high school. At the time their moving my senior year seemed so traumatic. In looking back it probably wasn't as important as I made it out to be. Not moving with my family probably provided the basis for the distance between me and my younger brother.

So as you say, "Life Goes On." How much do these events in our lives shape our future. You won't know the answer to that question for years and hindsight is always better than foresight.