Sunday, June 11, 2006

Wear Your Hope Helmet

Sundays are always good days for me. I really look forward to going to church. It is the one place in a long long time that I have felt safe and accepted for who I really am. I don't have to be the bubbly happy person, the dutiful daughter, the flexible, optimistic coworker and the list goes on. Oh, do not get me wrong, I am those things. I have been those things for so long it is what defines me, I suppose but sitting at church I get an unexplainable feeling of being free, accepted, safe simply for being me. There are sometimes I do not want to leave and head back to real life just let me stay there where the music lifts me up, the love is inspiring and the word is guidance for when I do have to leave. I spent most of the morning there today. When to the 8:20 service. Then during the 9:40 service I sat in and watched the video by Dr. D. James Kennedy, The DaVinci Code Delusion. It was very interesting just as the FICTION novel by Dan Brown is. And then during the 11:10 service I went to the Crown Financial class like I have been for several weeks. I have been working on healing me and getting me back in order as life goes on that the next thing I need to figure out is how to get the financial life healing. It is hard to do this when half of the house hold income decides to walk out. He is finding himself in a financial pickle too!!

Making the decision to not do this alone more than a year ago was a good one. If people only knew and remembered that they are not alone even when they feel isolated and completely devalued. We are not, we are worthy of an awesome gift we have all been give. If we choose to accept it. I remember that each time I walk into our church. It is hope, love and faith. Wrap your heart in love and faith, but wear hope like a helmet. A helmet of hope that protects you from the delusions that we are told. Delusions that are perceived as fact but are nothing but exaggerations, opinions or misinterpretations of our lives and told to us by people we think are more than we are so it become believable.

I love the music at our church. There are so many songs that touch my heart and speak to me. We sang this one this morning as we have on Sundays past, but I rarely get through it without tears of hope, love, faith and great appreciation of the blessings that are mine from my friends that have been there for me and the friend I have named Jesus.

You don't have to worry
And don't you be afraid
Joy comes in the morning
Troubles they don't last always
For there's a friend in Jesus
Who will wipe your tears away
And if your heart is broken
Just lift your hands and say

Oh I know that I can make it
I know that I can stand
No matter what may come my way
My life is in your hands
With Jesus I can take it
With Him I know I can stand
No matter what may come my way
My life is in your hands

So when your tests and trials
They seem to get you down
And all your friends and loved ones
Are nowhere to be found
Remember there's a friend in Jesus
Who will wipe your tears away
And if you heart is broken
Just lift your hands and say

Oh I know that I can make it
I know that I can stand
No matter what may come my way
My life is in your hands
With Jesus I can take it
With Him I know I can stand
No matter what may come my way
My life is in your hands

Kirk Franklin


The Sewing Machine Doc said...

Just curious, did you see the DaVinci Code or read the book? (I didn't read the book) I think you've already read my take on the movie as a work of fiction (wasn't that good). As for fiction being passed as truth, many of the falacies pointed out by Dr. Kennedy were already well covered in specials by A&E or the History Channel. There was also a segment on 60 minutes. Unfortunately Dr. Kennedy is again preaching to the choir. I think most people of faith understand this was a work of fiction and should be taken as that.
Years ago one of the TV networks ran a show called special bulletin (I think). As I remember it was a movie run during prime time and made to appear as a news special bulletin where terrorists had stolen a nuclear device and had it on board a boat in Charleston harbor. We were living in Charleston at the time (as I remember). Throughout the show there were announcements that the show was only a movie depicting a possible terrorist scenario. My understanding was that thousands of people fleed Charleston afraid of the detonation of the fictional bomb. And people all over the country called to find out about friends and relatives after the fictional bomb supposedly was detonated taking out Charleston harbor and most of the historic zone (funny I don't remember feeling anything). Another example would be the original War of the Worlds radio broadcast. Unfortunately, many people are ignorant, unwilling to think for themselves. They will believe the DaVinci code is real and not fiction. Will it lead them further from the Lord or make them more interested in learning the truth? Who knows?
Out of interest I have read many of the Gnostic Gospels. I am fairly well educated in the council of Nicea and the debates about whether Jesus was man or God. The Catholic Nicean Creed was written as a result of that conference and by stating this prayer we pronounce our belief that Jesus is Lord. We've spoken about the movie at work. Most of my coworkers believe the movie went way over their heads as they had no knowledge about the background of the movie. Anyway, thanks for your comments. I always enjoy reading your posts. And congrats on your potty training efforts.

Lady Constance said...

Faith, hope, and love...and the greatest of these is...?

Isn't it strange how it is the greatest thing that people have the most trouble with. Whether giving or receiving, it just tends to be a stumbling block - for me it is on the receiving end..not so much the giving.

My church sings that song, too. Heh. "My" church. *tries again* The church to which I belong sings that song and like you, I rarely get through any music service without tears of thankfulness & joy streaming down my face.

I am working on a cd for you - a cd that will declare the Truth about life and will help you keep your head up so you can wear that helmet of hope even through the darker times.

Much love, Ms. Bethie! <3