Monday, March 27, 2006

Baggage Claim

OK I have had it. I am left holding the freakin bag all the time. I get to be the one to raise the children on my own, I get to answer their questions when they ask why, I have to figure out how these bills get paid, I have to figure out who gets to go where and how I can get them there - forget that maybe I would like to be able to do something like go work out for an hour a few times a week but I have to make sure the kids are cared for, the bills are paid, the house is taken care of, the laundry done, and the list goes on and on and I am expected to do it by mmyself with no grumblings what so ever. Now he asks about filing taxes. Well, hell! I get left holding that bag too. I can not file Head Of Household cause he will file Married Filing Separate so I have to file that way. I am screwed if I file MFS because I make a lousy $3K more than what will allow me deductions to help out. Morally we can not file Married Filing Jointly cause we did not live 6 months of the year together and 50% of either of our incomes did not go to help the "household". But even if we did, his having to pay thousands of dollars is going to screw me too. I DID NOT ASK FOR ANY OF THIS!!!! I promised to love, honor, cherish, sickness and in health, richer for poorer yada yada yada and I DID!!! I have done this. No matter what I do I get screwed anyway!!!


Lady Constance said...

I am so sorry you seem to keep going through one thing after another with this situation...

but I am very proud of you for feeling (and expressing!!) anger!

The Sewing Machine Doc said...

I read your posts with fond interest, although I often have nothing to say or add which will help you through these tough times. I learned a long time ago that I don't have all the answers so somewhere along the way I stopped acting like I did. If it is of any help or comfort, I do remember you and your girls (they are both girls aren't they) in my daily prayers. You can't blame yourself for the actions of others. Look for reasons to smile each day; the beautiful weather, your love for your children, the sounds of the birds. At least it seems to help me when I'm down. Just remember you are not alone in this world, I know of at least two people who care about you and your struggles (both posted replies to this post). God bless you and be with you too.

Beth said...

Thank you both for commenting. I look forward to them and respect your thoughts emensely! I appreciate your insight.