Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Did You Hear What You Said?

I often wonder if people actually listen to themselves when they are talking. I mean I know that many people do not listen to someone who is talking to them. They are often too busy in their own head thinking about what they will say next to listen to what is being said to them. But I am wondering, do people ever really listen to what their own mouth is truly saying?

I ask this cause just resently I heard some comments that were made and I found them to be pretty telling.

Out of the mouths of husbands.
I had some people at my house recently. When it was over, a couple that was there with their children were leaving. They had two young children with them. The husband asked if one of the children was still in the house. His wife aswered him, "I think so", He responded to her in front of me and others, "You better know so". If was degrating. Why would a toad of a comment come out directed at someone who is your partner in life? To what good would treating anyone like that be and what does that teach the children?

Out of the mouths of babes.
The same night, I over heard a 4 year old child ask her mother where my husband was. Her mother responded that I did not have one. The child's response was, "So McKenna does not have a Daddy?" Her mother told her yes, but that he lives in another town and McKenna visits him. The child then said, "That's not a Daddy. Real Daddy's would live wherever their kids are."

Sometimes I think I would choose to listen to what a child says. More pearls than frogs come out of their mouths.


Lady Constance said...

Out of the mouths of co-workers, bosses, parents, wives...and children.... We are all obtuse jerks from time to time. You're right, we often don't listen to what we are saying, but we're all guilty. Thank God for grace.

Beth said...

I have found myself saying a lot lately, "That truth without grace is judgement and breeds isolation". I believe in telling the truth but your are VERY right, thank God for grace. We should all practice truth WITH grace! as well as listen to what toads hop out of our mouths.