Sunday, April 30, 2006

Just Call Me Edward Scissorhands

It occurred to me that I write in this blog when something dramatic is happening. I refuse to give into the drama. There is way too much of it anyway. So as I am getting my life back in order and healing, I am making strides in the more mundane areas of life too.

About to finish the semester and am disappointed in myself but am going to have to take an incomplete on the Independent Study I am doing along with the class. The class went really well. I enjoyed it very much. I know Independent studies are not my thing, just like I could never work from home. Way to many distractions and I am not self disciplined enough. I have to have someplace to go and deadlines to meet. I work better that way. I am still trying to get as much gym time in ... Hey Chet ... 6 more pounds! And I am as active as ever at church. I was just asked to be on the Hospitality team and will be greeting on the 4th Sunday of each month and also be serving on the communion team. This past Saturday was Serves Up where our church was working with 19 different agencies volunteering and helping out. The girls and I went to the Zoe House on 4th street. It is a house for women trying to stay off drugs and a place to keep them off the streets. We were there fixing their yard, built a picnic table etc. I trimmed all their bushes and cleared the vines off the fence. It inspired me.

At home I trimmed all my bushes. I have lived here 5 years and do not think I have ever trimmed the bushes. But I did this weekend. Mowed the yard and Wednesday I plan to drag everything from my back yard that makes it look like Sanford and Son live here. Thursday is trash day. I do not want to make my neighbors suffer too long with all the junk at the street. But the yard is shaping up. The house is shaping up. I am shaping up. And in turn life is shaping up!


The Sewing Machine Doc said...

Awesome. Great news. I know some people search blogs for drama but I prefer happy endings. You and your family remain in my prayers. I'll be returning from blog exile in about a week with lots of news, some good, some bad, some inspiring. Stay tuned.


ps. I always liked the movie Edward Scissorhands although most of my friends didn't.

Beth said...

Thanks to you both. Wendy I am always glad to see a comment from you and know that you are reading and keeping up with me. :) Chet as always I respect and appreciate your words of wisdom!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Good day, sun shines!
There have were times of troubles when I felt unhappy missing knowledge about opportunities of getting high yields on investments. I was a dump and downright stupid person.
I have never imagined that there weren't any need in big starting capital.
Nowadays, I'm happy and lucky , I begin to get real income.
It gets down to select a proper partner who utilizes your money in a right way - that is incorporate it in real business, parts and divides the profit with me.

You can ask, if there are such firms? I have to tell the truth, YES, there are. Please be informed of one of them: [url=]Online Investment Blog[/url]