Saturday, April 22, 2006

Explore & Dream

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream."(Mark Twain)

I find this to be so, so true. I look upon my life and the things I have done. Pretty cool things I suppose. In my jobs as Director of Education for two major zoo/aquariums. Worked for NASA and helped write a book and 2 online interactive programs for them (Echo the Bat & Amelia the Pigeon). Spent time in the Soviet Union when it was still named that and was almost bought by a Moor to be a wife in his harem. Sailed across the Baltic Sea, had James Bond 007 knock me down on the sidewalk is Stockholm. I have played basketball with dolphins and given a bath to a rhinoserous. I watched the space shuttle take off live and on the grounds of Kennedy Space Center. I have experienced life growing inside me twice, two miricles of life. I have found Christ and placed Him at the center of my heart and still in awe daily at what he sacreficed for me.

But I have never been genuinely in love. In an equal, healthy, supportive, accepting, loving relationship. But I will not be disappointed. I believe. I have hope that it will come. And when it does, I will know it because I will not be scared or aprehensive. He will guide me as he has guided me this past year + and given me friends that deepen my heart and heighten my life. I am so blessed and grateful. Time is on my side to explore and dream all that He has in store for me.

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