Monday, April 24, 2006

It'll DRIVE you Crazy

In January the car insurance drafted out of my account. Aaron did not have the $$ to pay me at the time and it came back NSF. The insurance company gave me until Feb 6 to get it taken care of. Aaron got his part to me Feb 10th after he got paid but on the 6th I walked into the insurance agency to give them a check. Sorry ... they needed cash or a cashiers check. It was 5:15, no way was I going to get to the bank and back in time. So, my agent pulled the money out of his pocket, CASH, paid it and I paid him so the insurance would not lapse. Now, I know you are thinking, why is Aaron having to give me money for the car insurance. Well, yes he did buy the car from me last summer but asked if he could stay on the insurance because he could not get a cheaper policy. So he is on my policy.

Saturday, April 22, I get a card in the mail that I must relinguish my tags as there was a lapse in insurance February 6th. So, down to the insurance agancy I go, get the FS1 form to prove to DMV there was not lapse. I go to DMV with the form. And she asks me, which car is this for. I siad their is only one car in my name. She said no I have two here. Please do not tell me one of them is a Nissan. Yep! And still in my name. He has the title but has not changed it over. And the tags of the Nissan are expired. I have to have the tag removed before I can remove the insurance. I can not have the tag removed without either physically removing it from his car or the title and tags switching over. Yes, I talked to him about it. He said he would take care of it tomorrow.

Do I need a license to be driven crazy?


The Sewing Machine Doc said...

It is often said that the character of a man is only as good as his word. Let us know how this ends up. I suspect from your previous posts that you will need a screwdriver sometime in the near future. Sorry.

Lady Constance said...

first the tool...then the drink! :o)

No, this isn't funny. I'm sorry, Beth. Hmm...maybe it is time to take the initiative...on a lot of you can be rid of this unnecessary stress?

The Sewing Machine Doc said...

By now I guess the question is Philips head or flathead screwdriver?
