Sunday, August 31, 2008

Club Med Weekend

Last weekend, we spent the entire weekend in and out of medical facilities. Alyssa got sick Thursday night (8/21) and I took her in Friday to the Doctor thinking she had strep throat. The culture came back negative but they wanted her back to test her for Mono Monday. Well we did not make it to Monday, it was much worse Saturday and we went back, her regular pediatrician was there and immediately thought Mono but since she has only been sick for a couple of days it would most likely not show up on a test but we went over to the hospital anyway for the lab tests. McKenna had a birthday party to get to and I could not be in two places at once so I had to get someone to take her to the party. She wanted Chad, so here I am calling him to ask a fovor of him after telling him I really could not see him anymore but McKenna wanted him and he will play with her and take good care of her so I called. He was there in minutes, took her to get a gift, got her socks and took her to the Jumping Monkey for the birthday party. Texted me when she fell in the big blow up jumpy thingy and hurt her foot. She sat on his lap, got the comfort she needed and off they went to see presents opened. Unfortunately, when I tried to get a shoe on her later that evening, she really complained about her foot hurting and I looked and it was swollen and blue. We spent 5 hours in the ED with McKenna that night, to get her foot x-rayed. They think she broke it is on a growth plate so it is about impossible to see on an xray. She either broke it or sprained the ligaments in her big toe and foot. Either way is it "puffy like a frog" she says and hurts. She is off her foot for a while.

The doctor wanted to see Alyssa again Sunday so we went back again Sunday morning to find the Mono culture did not show positive so he put her on augmentin along with prednizone. We went back to the hospital for another Mono test Wednesday. Alyssa missed the first day of school and has been going half days or in during 2nd block and trying to get as far through the day as possible. She has Honors Alg II, AP English, and Honors Physics the last three blocks of the day. The mono test came back negative on Wednesday. She seems to have a bacterial infection on top of a viral infection but they are treating her like it was mono. REST REST REST!

We got through this week ok. McKenna's foot is feeling better but she is out of PE and Alyssa comes home to take naps after school. Me, I am working on training the teachers in our county to teach Academically Gifted kids all week and getting ready for my own students.

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