Monday, August 11, 2008

Getting Ready for Kindergarten

Who knew getting ready for Kindergarten would be so painful? McKenna had her 5 year old check up and update of immunizations for school today ... 5 shots. 5 Shots! That is a lot. She got through the peeing in a cup, weighed in at 44 lbs and 44 inches tall, and not a problem with the finger prick, the first time. Second time did not go so well and the stubbornness kicked in. Took a lot of talk, mommy putting on a silly paper vest and McKenna and Mommy writing on each other's silly paper clothes to get her out of her clothes and into the paper examining dress, vest, drape, what is that thing? She did great getting her ears, eyes nose, throat checked. Did the hearing test, did well on the vision screening. Doctor Coker was really pleased to hear that she has only dislocated her elbow the one time considering the hypertonia. She said that the physical fitness will continue to help prevent those types of injuries. I am to keep her in good arch supports for the flat feet, does not see a need for orthopedic shoes as of yet. We pretty much lost it when it came time for the shots. Five is just too many. The immediately gave her Motrin and I am to watch her arm for the knots using warm compresses. Anyway, we have our book bag thanks to Gracie giving it to her for her bday along with a matching lunchbox. We have a start to uniforms. Bought the folders on the list of supplies, just a few things to get next and we are ready. Two weeks and counting.

I cried like a baby when Alyssa went off to Kindergarten. I remember exactly what she wore. I wish I still had a picture of her. (Steven hid all my photo albums from me in the basement in MD and the basement flooded so I was told) But I still remember exactly how she looked. Things have been quiet today at our house. No screaming. Hardly any talking. She did go to the doctors with us and we all went for Dippin' Dots as a treat afterwards ... I passed on the Styrofoam icecream but the girls like it. As the time went on, and I tried to saw a few noncommittal things, the air lightened. My heart is heavy and I am nervous about the next steps but, deep breath, that is what being a parent is all about.

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