Tuesday, February 28, 2006


I was reading blog entries of two people I have come to admire, respect and listen closely to when one site lead me to another and then to another and I came upon Prayforgreenville.org. Watching the animation left me unsettled. It is amazing but a bit more, I do not know I can not find the word for it . . . I am not sure, I just know I was unsettled about something. Maybe that was the purpose of the animation to unnerve people for the sake of Christ's coming. I am new in this walk and still learning and hope and know I will always be learning the rest of my life but I questioned if my faith was strong enough. Enough for what? I am not a radical, I am nonconfrontational and I am humbly grateful for the presence of the Holy Spirit that has saved me this past year and as I continue this walk I know will save me again and again. As you can tell I am having difficulty expressing the effect this site had on me. I can not decide if it is a good effect or not. Like I said, unsettled. Take a moment if you have one, visit this site. Tell me what you feel. Maybe by then I will have regained some of similence of expression.


The Sewing Machine Doc said...

I watched the video linked on your blog (internet must be acting up as it took me several attempts to reach it). I know there has always been a faction of Christians who feel there is (or will be) a war between good and evil, Christians and Non-Christians, Angels and Devils. This was true of many Jews during Christ's time on Earth. They were disappointed that this savior Jesus didn't raise a hand against the Romans and their occupation of Israel. Instead, Christ showed peace and mercy to his enemies. I never really bought into this violent end of times (although it makes for good movies). Not taking the Bible as literal and inerrant allows me to look at the book of Revelation more metaphorically. I don't think it is God's plan for us to do evil in his name even if we feel the ends justify it. I think we are more likely called to change things by peaceful means, like prayer and peaceful protest. These are the same people who would bomb an abortion clinic or shoot a doctor in His name. I really in my heart don't think that is God's way. And when the end time comes and Jesus returns, why would we expect an all out confrontation. He could call demons out of the sick, why do we not think he could end Satin's rule without bloodshed? These followers just appear to have more faith because they are the loudest, but we need to be confident that they are following Christ by the example he set. God won't need an army of warriors, just an army of faithful, peaceful, meek and forgiving. At least that's my take. An interesting side note, I was at Barnes and Noble last night and looking through a book which claims the Catholics would not be saved in the end because we don't really believe in the Rapture, so God would leave us down here to suffer during the tribulation. That goes along with the "my religion is better than yours" stuff I see way too much of today. I have always believed that faith in Christ was the main requirement for salvation? Silly me.

Lady Constance said...

First let me say that the faction of Christians who believe in an ultimate battle at the end of the age is more the norm than not. However, that is not what this video is about.

I know - it sounds as though I am speaking with a lot of authority here. In a way, I guess I am. I am well acquainted with several of the people who are involved with Pray for Greenvile and so I feel as though it gives me an insight others may not have.

This video is about the daily, unseen battles we face every day.
Ephesians 6:12 - For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. I suppose if a person can believe that visions and dreams can be inspired by God,(which I do) then it is not a far stretch to consider the possibility of angels & demons...the forces of good and evil..in the world.

The video is indeed a call to arms - but the weaponry is prayer. It is a call for all who believe to unite & pray for (in this case) Greenville.

The "You see bones, I see an army" is a reference to Ezekiel 37.

The video is about a generation of people who no longer care about what people look like, where they come from, or what they possess. The time for such superficial nonsense is over.

In short, the Pray for Greenville organization believes that the only way to effectively change things on a large scale is an out-and-out war....performed via prayer. Remember, I know a lot of these people. They are not gun-totin, knock-down, believe it or die people. They love this world, the people in it, and God. They are committed to pray for our community and the people in it. They have the faith & hope to believe prayer changes things. I tend to agree with them.

I hope this long comment serves to settle your feelings a little bit. That was my intention.