Saturday, May 13, 2006

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

Ok, I need your advice and prayers. I have a friend whose father is in the hospital with pneumonia and anemia (2 blood transfusions) and while there, he was diagnosed with cancer. This on top of dealing with a marriage that is ending after 25+ years due to infidelity of two years +. Yes, these things need prayers but what I believe needs more prayers is the admission to a crumbling faith. The very normal questions of "Why God?" that are being asked and weakening the faith.

Why do bad things happen to good people? What is there to say, to support, to comfort and to help this friend in need?


The Sewing Machine Doc said...

I've pondered over the question you pose since you first posted it. I'm not sure I have an answer but my mind keeps going back to Job in the Bible. When the devil said it was easy to be faithful and holy when things are going your way and so Job was tested by losing everything including his health. Perhaps this is a test of faith. We are all tested at one time or another. Some of us pass the test and some of us fail. I once worked with a teacher who wanted children. She prayed and prayed and finally after 10 years she had a beautiful girl. This teacher died within one year from Melanoma leaving the little girl and this new father behind. Does it seem fair? No, but we are not allowed to see the reason things happen in God's plan. After some time passes, the reason why things happen the way they do may ultimately be revealed, but it doesn't make it any easier in the here and now. I would counter bad times with more prayers. Show God that faith is unwavered despite these trials and tests. Also I understand the book why bad things happen to good people is a good place to start (although I have not read it personally).

Lady Constance said...

And then there is the fact that we reside in a fallen, imperfect world. That is why, if we can put it in a nutshell, bad things happen to good people.

As for how to help - besides more prayer,(good call,Chet) depends upon the person. Some want to be surrounded by friends and family while others prefer solitude with the reminder that help, company, and support are available for the asking.

That call is yours. But prayers will go with you.

Beth said...

Thanks guys, I appreciate your words, support, prayers and help always!