Friday, May 05, 2006

Hhhhmmmmm.... and off I went again: the trip continues!

OK so we left off with me at the student health center inquiring about why I had been dropped from a course that I had been to every class, done every assignment and taken every test - well, except for the exam I missed. So I found the immunization lady. Yes, I was tagged by Student Health Services (SHS) because of missing immunization records. I told her I had gotten the tetanus. OK, she looked and yes, found that it my record. Fixed. Nope. She looked and found that they were missing a chicken pox and 1 MMR record. They did not give chicken pox vaccines in the late 60's. I have a scar to show I had the chicken pox and if I have 1 MMR I know I have had the other. They come in pairs. I told her that I had been at ECU off and on since 1987 graduating with an undergrad in '89, Middle grades certification in '91, Masters in '95, AG certification in '03 and now working on the MFT. She said that this was the first on campus course I had taken since 2000 when they changed over the computer system - oohhhh, now we are getting somewhere. Part of my records were lost? No answer. So, I had two choices, I could either 1. get another MMR and take my exam at 5:30 or 2. try to find the immunization records and hopefully do that before 5:30. I opted for the first one. Another shot it is. Needle, stick, sting, done. No biggy. But wait! It gets better! I went to pay at the check out. $46.00 - wow I said, "why is the MMR so much more expensive than the tetanus?" "well, I suppose it is twice as much" was the woman's reply. um ... nope, I paid $8 for the tetanus. She told me that no that was a skin test. No that was a tetanus (I had the sore arm for days to prove it). She said that a tetanus was $23 and the skin test was $8. I repeated that I paid $8. She looked it up in the handy dandy computer. Sure 'nuff! They mischarge me $8 and tagged my records that I owe a balance of $15. So even if I could take my exam, I can not get my grades or sign up for another class cause I am tagged! I asked if I could go ahead an pay the balance. She said, "Not here. You are going to have to go to the cashier's office". I bet you will never guess where that it. Across campus .... Hhhhhmmmm so is it off I go to the cashiers office? Hhhhmmmmm.... nope, off I got the Wendy's to get a Frosty (the cup does say "do something nice for yourself"). I sat, regrouped, looked over my notes and went to take my exam. They made the mistake, the balance can wait .... so when I need to register again .... Hhhhhmmmmm ... off I will go.


The Sewing Machine Doc said...

I hope they can finally clear this up for you. What a mess. I've spoken with so many people who have had problems with the student health services including my wife and daughter. Hope you did well on your exam.

I think I'd like to return to school for a new degree, but my wife has banned me from doing so. Already too much parchment at the end of the hall, probably a fire hazzard or something.


Beth said...

I have always said I am going to wallpaper my bathroom with diplomas. :) You spent an awfully long time getting an MD, are you getting antsy to do something other than Emergency Med.? You would be a wonderful asset to any missions trip. If you went back, what degree would you get? I would be interested in what you would chose.

Lady Constance said...

So I took a personality test the other day and came up Analytical/Behavioral. Most of those personality types do well in either education (gasp!) or law. And my whole life the two things I've talked about doing is teaching and being a lawyer. Hmmmm...(ala Beth)... What am I doing with a degree in theology besides dusting it every week??