Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Life's Wrinkles

As Dolly Parton said in Steele Magnolias, "Time marches on and sooner or later you realize it is marchin' across your face." Well, I do not have a face full of wrinkles to match the worries, laughter or fear I have had in life but it does move on in ways that take us to new heights, adventures and yes, wrinkles.

I have an appointment with Child Support Enforcement tomorrow. I am taking the steps to wrap up loose ends and close the door. The car and insurance are taken care of. The parenting agreement was completed back in March and he was supposed to have it noterized and signed but I have not see it since then. We will get the 2005 taxes done with one last effort on my sisters part to help us both. And I have called him to ask for us to meet Thursday to go over paperwork, loose ends and plan out filing for divorce. This is what he has wanted for over 16 months. As Rafikki says, "It is time." What is with the movie references? Don't ask. It is just a wrinkle.

My oldest daughter was asked out on her first date the other night. She was asked to go to the 8th grade prom. It is a big deal in our house and just the start of MANY MANY wrinkles. I am concerned about doing this as a single mom. So much so that I even wrote her dad to ask his thoughts on her dating, curfews, etc. Even told him I thought it would be a good idea for him to be here when she starts actually going out with boys. You know to have the Dad represented, intimidate ... Yes, I know, my asking for him to actually do something with me as a parent, step foot in my house, or be cordial enough with me to consider my suggestion, well, it is like asking the wind to stop blowing in March. Small steps to get there. He still calls her from the car at the street when he is here to pick her up. Been in this house 5 years and he has never stepped foot in it. Just a wrinkle.

Life moves on and right over my face but leaves many smiles!


The Sewing Machine Doc said...

I remember sitting on our front porch (in Virginia) with one of my daughter's boyfriends asking him about his plans for his future. He had already dropped out of high school and was working 2 days a week at an auto parts store. He told me he had thought about pharmacy school but just couldn't see how he could work it around his current job (yeah, like he had a clue). He was a couple years older than my daughter and lived at home with his mom. He also couldn't see moving away from her as he had to help her. He was paying half his salary in rent to her. Needless to say I must have intimidated him as they broke up shortly after.
I get along fairly well with her current boyfriend. He too dropped out of high school before graduating but has a full time job that pays a little better and is a hard worker. I think I mentioned that my daughter is planning to return to the University this fall to finish her degree. I don't know how that will work with her having a degree and him without a high school diploma.
When I met my current inlaws, I already had two degrees and was working on a third. I had taught high school but had higher aspirations. I think they felt I would be able to support her if the need arose (even though she was already supporting herself and despite the fact that we later had some lean times especially while we were both in med school).
I know your 8th grade daughter is a few years off from introducing her beau to future in-laws but this is the first step isn't it. Luckily my youngest is still a few years from the dating age.

Beth said...

Yes, she is coming of age I suppose. She is not technically allowed to date. I have outlined a dating idea for her and sent it to her dad for input. One child that is date training and one that is potty training. Life is good.
My husband did not graduate from HS. He got his GED and later got an Associate degree in architecture but does not use it in his work - computers. We new each other back in the dating years but never dated. He said he could never ask me, my mother made it clear I would marry a college graduate. I did marry a college graduate and well we know how that turned out. I believe that education, backgrounds, commonalities, experiences help bring people together and if it is an equal partnership of respect it does not necessarily keep them together. I am not sure what does.

Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!