Wednesday, May 03, 2006

It'll Drive You Crazy - another update!

I got an email today. He has his own car insurance. I can now take the other car off my insurance. He thanked me for helping him out with the insurance.

I have to be honest with you. I had mixed feelings about it. I know untangling myself is a good thing, distance is a good thing. healing is a good thing. But it felt like I was not needed anymore and ... well you know how that can feel. A few more things and I can close the door ... this will be a good thing, right? a healing thing.

1 comment:

Lady Constance said...

Remember what you want for Aaron...To be self-sufficient instead of a leech. To take responsibility for his life & choices. To be happy. Sounds to me like he is taking the steps. Remember it was HIS choice to do it without you. His loss. You are needed still even if not by him - and he hasn't completely cut the ties, yet.

Yes, Bethie - this is a good thing.