Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Hhhmmmmm ... So, Off I Went

Well, as a working single mom, everything takes planning and arrangements. If I want or need to do something I have to make sure the girls are taken care of and that responsibilities at work are too. My mom was taking care of my girls for me and I arranged to leave school as soon as my students left so that I could go and take my final exam for one of the classes I am taking this semester. Kids got on the bus, Mom was picking up girls, I was ready to teaching the next day so I headed to campus. Got there, bought the blue bubble sheet and a drink so I could have quarters to put in the meter and headed for the classroom. My professor knew I would be late due to teaching and OK'd me coming in a little late. Well, when I got the the classroom, I walked in and did not recognize a soul. Not a single person in there had a familiar face. It is like every college student's nightmare. The professor that was there giving the exam asked if she could help me. I knew that was not my teacher. My teacher is a man and she was not a man. I told her I was there to take my exam. She said their exam was slated for 2-4. Yes, mine too. She suggested that it was in another room. That was our classroom. ... Hhhhmmmmm ... She asked who I was looking for. I gave her my professor's name. She said "well, he is not here today. He was here yesterday." ... Hhhhmmmmm ... Bewildered I walked out of the building to the car, got in, gave my space to a lady that was looking for parking (yes gave her the space and the 57 minutes still on the meter and off I went, drove straight to the professors office. The lady in the office said he was not there, he was home with Bronchitis. She got him on the phone. I told him what I had just done. He chuckled and said, "Well, Yes Beth, I knew you were going to be late but not this late."

Yes, you guessed it.... every students' nightmare .... my exam was Monday, not today, yesterday. Never, never in all my life, never in the many years that I have been going to school, never in the various degrees, certifications and licenses that I have logged semester hours for ... never have I ever missed and exam.

"I was embarrassed and shocked but not as shocked as I was when I heard him say, "We have a bigger problem than you missing the exam". He had not grade sheet for me. He had no record of my enrollment in the course. I had been there every day for the entire semester. Did not miss a single class. But I did not exist in the class either. He said for me to go check with the registrars office and find out why I was not listed and what he needed to do if anything to let them know I had been there and completed the requirements for the course. So, off I went, across campus where I had to buy yet another drink to get quarters for the meter. Went in one office, they directed me to another office, who directed me back to the first office I was previously in. There I was told that I had withdrawn from the course .... Hhhhmmmmm .... um, nope, no, don't think so, no recollection of withdrawing, been there everyday ... Seems that the Student Health Services has me tagged. What for? Immunization. Oh yes, I know what that is, they had no record of an updated tetanus shot, but I got one and took care of it. Where did I get one? At the Student Health Services. Walk across campus and see the woman in charge of immunization records, OK. So, off I went.

But the saga continues .... Hhhhmmmmm ... but off you go, I will give you part two later. :)


The Sewing Machine Doc said...

I didn't realize they monitored tetanus shots at college. Mumps, Measles even hepatitis, but not tetanus shots. I guess they're worried about an outbreak of lockjaw. Nobody could talk, it would be anarchy. Maybe its the diptheria or whooping cough they're worried about. Gee, lets see, when was my last tetanus shot... Ah must be ECU, right. Years ago when I enrolled there with my associates degree in hand they didn't want to accept any credits in transfer. The college I had attended was accredited by everyone except the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. A two minute call between registrars (I could year yelling in the background) cleared that problem up. So hopefully your problem will be cleared up also. By the way did they offer you a refund on the class you weren't enrolled in? Not surprised.


Beth said...

Ah... read on my friend, the trip continues!