Monday, May 15, 2006

Another Milestone at Our House!

While I have one date training as I told you about previously, I have the other daughter potty training. And today she went on the potty!!!!! Yes, we have been sitting, doing nothing for months but today... as she puts it .... I pee! Small steps, big accomplishments!!!! She went into the bathroom and came out telling me she had peed and some come look. So of course I did and we ooh'd and ahh'd and hugged and high fived and hugged some more and then we ran to tell Sissy. She said, "Sissy I pee. Come see" Well, you can imagine how the 14 year old was not really into it but did tell her how proud she was and how great it was, just did not want to come see. I love my girls!


Lady Constance said...


Beth said...

Now if we could just do it again! We will get there I know. Potty training and date training .. I will get through this .....not so much fun alone, ya know.

The Sewing Machine Doc said...

I guess it's odd that I don't really remember the whole potty training thing with my two girls. Maybe that's more a mommy thing. There are lots of firsts I do remember, but not that particular one. I do remember waking up one morning and realizing my two year old had learned to turn the TV and VCR on, insert her Barney tape and watch it at the age of two. And the time she dragged all my wife's files into the trashcan on the computer and then emptied it, also somewhere around the age of two or three. My mother says we were all potty trained by 6 months (yeah like she can remember as I now understand that is physiologically impossible). I do remember there was the little potty sitting next to the bigger one and we were supposed to sit the little one on it whenever we were using the toilet. I'm not sure how that was supposed to help. Anyway, it's one of the milestones and I wish you many more. Remember, you are not alone as there are several of us who share in your excitement.


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