Monday, February 13, 2006

A Picture is worth ...

No words I can bring myself to type. I know Connie, express myself but I just can not bring myself to do it.

So I think I will go to bed...


The Sewing Machine Doc said...

The title of your blog is "Believe in the Promise of Tomorrow." As one who spent a significant amount of the last six months reflecting on yesterday, I now believe in the promise of tomorrow, partially due to comments from you and Lady Constance. I wish I could say or do something which would set your gaze forward again with that belief, as dwelling on our past losses and failures does little for our forward momentum. Take a deep breath, turn around and start moving forward again. One day at a time, one step at a time. Look at the blessings you have in your life, not the things you have lost. Time passes too quickly to waste it on what has happened. Start focusing on tomorrow and the blessings which will surely come to you. As always, I remember you in my prayers.

Lady Constance said...

What Chet said! Loss is a terrible, painful thing that can tear the life right out of us if we let it.

This morning I woke up long before I wanted to. I was driven from my bed when I did not want to face this day. Guess what I found out? There is grace & strength for every step I have to take today. I believe in that promise for today, tomorrow, and whatever happens in the future. It is there for you, too.

Beth said...

thank you both. I started repeating Believe In The Promise Of Tomorrow over 6 years ago when it took at 911 call to get out of my house and Alyssa was taken from me for 4 months - I lived in fear everyday. I would wake up and know it would be a good day if I only threw up once due to nerves. I was like Pavlov's dog, cringing each time my cell phone rang knowing that it would be "him" calling to verbally beat the hell out of me for hours on end, again. But I held on to the fact that he could do a lot, had done a lot to hurt, intimidate and belittle me, he could call the lawyers, he could cause me to live in fear but one thing he COULD NOT do was stop tomorrow from coming. The sun would rise again and this too would pass. I never stopped believing there was a light at the end of the tunnel then.

So when loss came my way again, of course not abusive this time which I think is just as devistating in some ways losing both a husband/father/best friend AND my brother ... I got up the next morning and went to church because I knew I could not do this alone like I felt I had, or I had because I did not reach out to God before. I could not do this alone and I am thankful for the friends, thoughts, prayers and support. Some days are just better than others.