Monday, July 21, 2008

Summer TIme

I have a friend that tells me all the time that with my education and experience, I could easily get a job where I would make more money than teaching. Well, money is nice to have and God has provided for me, He is faithful, but I would not choose another job right now. What other job would provide the time I have to be Mommy? And that is more important than money. It is very important to me to have the same schedule as the girls and to be able to spend time with them. McKenna is my little buddy, just as Alyssa was when she was little. Now at 16, her BFF's are cooler to hang out with than Mommy. To McKenna, Mommy is still pretty cool. But then again, she did just turn 5. All to soon she will be 16 and off with the BFF's. Til then, I will cherish the summer times.

Our summer started with me leaving for the Dominican Republic two days after school let out for the teachers. As always, an amazing trip. Different from the first time I went last year but always amazing to me. More on that later. I returned from the DR on Saturday to wash clothes, covered my 4th Sunday greeting at the three services at church, packed and headed for the beach Sunday afternoon. Each summer I try to get a week at the beach with Alyssa and McKenna so we can have some time together. Alyssa's friend Amanda went with us, as she usually goes places with us. Don't get me wrong, I am very happy to have her, but at 16 text messages on the cell phone get more conversation than parents. Well, to be fair, I am fortunate that Alyssa talks to me as much as she does, which really is a very open communicaiton between teenager and parent. Yes, text messages are ringing the phone about every 60 seconds but I am glad she can talk to me.

McKenna and I have been spending time at the pool, going to the free movies, Sunday in the park concerts and taking naps. I have had to work most days since July 7th. I am reorganizing the AG curriculum for Pitt County Schools. In their infinate wisdom, they have "restructured" the program for the gifted children in our schools. More on that too! I am not good at working from home, too many distractions, so I go in to school really early in the morning and write, reorganize etc and then head home to be able to take McKenna to the pool or something. Both girls are night owls and late sleepers so by the time Alyssa is up and ready to go hang out with friends, McKenna is up, watched a bit of Noggin (her favorite channel - preschool on tv as they describe themselves) and ready for the day. Sometimes McKenna gets to be a big girl and go with Sissy and Amanda places. Other times, she is content to hang with Mommy. That's my velcro baby!

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