Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Gifts from the Heart

I believe in the true meaning of Christmas, the reason for the season as the phrase has been coined. I know it is not in the receiving of gifts but in the giving as the Magi did to honor Christ, thier love for him and God's love for us. God gave us the gift of his son, the Magi honored his birth by giving gifts that would help Mary and Joseph escape. God knows the wants and needs of his children and provides for them ...this is the spirit of giving. I also believe that is it the thought that counts... maybe I am just overly sensitive but I think about gifts I give people. Not to say that if I am given a list of what someone wants, I do not try to fullfill their wishes but when left to my own, a gift has meaning to me. I gave my niece a set of 3D markers because McKenna loves to spend time with her and they color together. McKenna picked it out and I am pleased they like to be together so much. I created a basket for my brothers and their wives of things they can enjoy just them. It had popcorn, coffee, a candle, a do not disturn sign and the book The Love Dare. Not that I think there is anything wrong with thier marriages but the marriage of two people is what creates a family and in caring for that marriage and each other it is the best gift given to the family.

Christmas is a time for rememberance of what is important to us, the gifts we have received, not those bought at the store but given from the heart, received in love. Compassion, Forgiveness, Grace, Support and Love. None of them come with a pricetag but are invaluable.

Steve Curtis Chapman has a song, All I Really Want For Christmas. I think this a lot, not that I don't have one like the children in the song but mine is no longer close for reasons known and unknown.

Anyway, I am reminding myself that Christmas is the giving not receiving. I give gifts from the heart and it matters and has meaning in what I give. Wether it is received in that manner is to each of the receivers. Is it the thought that counts? Is the gift really from the heart and representative of how you feel about the person you give the gift to? If that is the case, I got that my sister Kris wants to spend time with me, a giftcard of monetary support from David and Misty and a reaffirmation that Alicia still wants nothing to do with me. For reasons unknown.
Forgiveness is a good gift to give and receive.

Gifts from the heart.

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